Personal contact
Team Cycle Tours 0043 (0)732 / 7277 - 222 Mo-Fr 9 a.m. - 4.30 p.m request now

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After your inquiry you will immediately receive an e-mail message. If not, we kindly ask you to call us (0043 (0)732 / 7277 - 222).
General Terms and Conditions of Business (TOB)
A. General Terms and Conditions of Business (TOB)Please note that any and all contracts and agreements made with us are subject to our General Terms and Conditions of Business (TOB).
The following are integrate parts of the content of our TOBs:
(1) General Terms of Travel (ARB 1992) recommended by the Trade Association of Travel Agencies in coordination with the Travel Agency Committee of the Political Consumer’s Advisory Board, as modified in alignment to the amendment to the Consumer Protection Act FLG 247/93 and the Amendatory Warranty Law Act, FLG I N° 48/2001; as well as
(2) the below Complementary Conditions of the Oberösterreich Touristik GmbH.
The ARB 1992 as well as the Complementary Conditions of the OÖ Touristik GmbH are published and available to you on our homepage at for viewing or downloading under bookable offers.
B. Complementary Conditions of the OÖ Touristik GmbH:
1. OÖ Touristik GmbH as travel agent and/or travel operator
1.1 OÖ Touristik GmbH acts as travel agent for the following tours:
Donaueschingen-Ulm, Ulm-Passau, Vienna-Bratislava, Vienna-Budapest, St. Moritz-Innsbruck, Mur-Bicycle-Route, Carinthian Lakes, Drau-, Tauern-, Neusiedl-Bicycle Routes, Munich Lakes, Altmühltal-, Bodensee-, Rhein-, Main-, Mosel-, Lahn-, Elbe-, Spree- and Havel-Bicycle Routes, Mecklenburger Lake Plateau, Baltic-Sea Bicycle Route, Island of Bornholm, Sweden, Masuria, Vltava Bicycle Route, Island of Szentendre, Slovenia, Adriatic coast, Italy, Etsch Bicycle Route, Southern Tyrol/Bozen, Aare Bicycle Route, Alpine Rhine, Southern Alsace, Loire Bicycle Route, Belgium, Brügge
1.2 For all other tours, Oberösterreich Touristik GmbH acts as travel operator.
OÖ Touristik GmbH
Freistädter Straße 119
A-4041 Linz
Phone: +43-732/72 77 – 200
Company Register N° 88092y
Entry number in Register of Organisers published by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs: 1998/0129
1.3 For bicycle and ship tours you will receive the relevant Terms of Cancellation that apply to your bicycle or ship tour together with your booking confirmation.
1.4 The present Complementary Conditions apply for the activities of Oberösterreich Touristik GmbH, both acting as travel agent or travel operator, unless expressly stated otherwise.
2. Payment
If payments are made to our Austrian account, the customer will have to ensure that the Austrian bank fees will be charged to us, while foreign bank charges in the country of the customer will be borne by the customer.
3. Withdrawal on the part of the customer – price increase
3.1 Before the start of a trip, the customer is entitled to withdraw from the contract anytime. Such withdrawal has to be made in writing. In case of a withdrawal or no-show, we shall be entitled to charge the following withdrawal fees (percentages refer to the relevant travel prices):
- until 28 days prior to start of trip: 20%
- from 27 to 14 days prior to start of trip: 30%
- from 13 to 8 days prior to start of trip: 50%
- from 7 days to 4 days prior to start of trip: 70%
- from 3 days to the starting day of the trip or no-show: 90%
3.2 Bicycle and ship tours at the river Danube / Theodor Körner: We reserve the right to modify the listed and confirmed prices in case of any increase of transportation costs or fees up to twenty days prior to the start of a trip. If prices are raised more than 5%, the customer shall be entitled to rescind from the contract free of charge. This right to withdrawal must be exercised by notifying Oberösterreich Touristik GmbH at least 72 hours after reception of the declaration on price increases. For the sake of clarity: this regulation applies as a special condition and in addition to Part B point 8.1 of the ARB 1992.
4. Change of booking
In case any booking is changed by the customer (change of travel date, duration, destination, and transfer due to change of travelling person, etc.) until 28 days prior to start of trip, not within our influence, we will charge a processing fee of € 50.00 for each change in booking. Afterwards the cancellation fees are valid. Such change of booking can only be carried out depending on actual availability and in individual cases. The customer is not entitled to such changes. Independent thereof, the cancellation fees of the relevant travel operator shall apply, if we only act as travel agent. For the sake of clarity: this regulation applies as a special condition and in addition to Part B point 2 of the ARB 1992.
5. Liability
5.1 As regards third-party offers, we shall only be liable in our role as agent to the extent as defined in Part A of the ARB 1992.
5.2 For all damage – except injury to persons – we shall be liable as travel operator, in case we (or an individual person we are responsible for) have caused such damage with intent or gross negligence.
5.3 We will not accept any type of supervision (custody) for minors or persons who are not fully legally competent. Minors and other persons who are not fully legally competent may only participate in trips accompanied by a responsible supervisor. When trips are booked for minors, customers must name a supervisor, parent or legal guardian in any case. Otherwise the booking will not be processed.
5.4 Damage by loss or damage to your luggage (one item per person, maximum 20 kg) will only be covered by our liability, if it was caused by us and is reported to us in writing immediately after it has occurred. In any case, the maximum amount is € 500.00 per item/person. We advise to take out a travel luggage insurance.
6. Travel documents: obligatory cooperation by the customer
If a customer does not receive the required travel documents in time before the start of a trip, s/he shall contact and inform Oberösterreich Touristik GmbH immediately. Otherwise the customer will have to bear all resulting consequences thereof.
7. Passport, visa, foreign currency, customs and health regulations
The customer is responsible for his/her compliance with any and all passport, visa, foreign currency, customs and health regulations.
8. Complementary Conditions – Differences to the ARB 1992
8.1 The Complementary Conditions of Oberösterreich Touristik GmbH shall apply in addition to the ARB 1992.
8.2 Please note that our Complementary Conditions differ in part from the ARB 1992 as pointed out below. Conditions of the ARB 1992 in bold type and crossed out in the left column are not accepted by us:
ARB 1992 | Complementary Conditions of Oberösterreich Touristik GmbH |
Part A, point 2.1. Information on passport, visa, foreign currency, customs and legal health regulations:
G On request and if possible, the travel agency also offers information on special regulations for foreigners, stateless persons and owners of double-citizenships. | Point 7.:
Part B, point 7.1., Withdrawal of customer
a) Withdrawal without cancellation fee
If essential components of the contract, including the travel price, are changed significantly. In any case, the circumvention of the purpose and character of the organised trip, as well as any increase of the agreed travel price by more than 10 percent according to section 8.1 shall be such significant changes. The organiser shall be obligated to explain the change to the contract immediately to the customer either directly or through the relevant travel agent. The organiser shall also advise the customer on the options of either accepting the change to the contract or to withdraw from the contract. The customer shall exercise his/her right of choice immediately. If the organiser is responsible for the event that would entitle the customer to withdraw, the organiser shall be liable to indemnify the customer.
b) Claim for compensatory performance
F F F F o
F F F F o
The customer (ordering party) may notify the travel agency where the trip has been booked, at any time that s/he wishes to withdraw from the contract. In case of a cancellation, it is recommended to - cancel by way of a certified letter or - cancel personally by submitted a written declaration of withdrawal on that occasion.
c) No-show
| Point 3.1:
- from 27 to 14 days prior to start of trip: 30% - from 13 to 8 days prior to start of trip: 50% - from 7 days to 4 days prior to start of trip: 70% - from 3 days to the starting day of the trip or no-show: 90% |
Part B, point 5.2. Damages:
| Point 5.2
9. Securing travel prices
We inform you that Austria’s travel operators are obligated to secure the travel prices paid by the customer to the travel operator according to Art. 7 of the EU Package-Travel Directive. The securing of customer payments is done by way of a bank guarantee (see invoice). This bank institute is obligated according to the agreed terms to guarantee and/or refund customer payments.
10. Securing customer payments
Based on the Travel Agency Decree StF FLG. II 316/99 including amendments from 2001, 2003 and 2006 according to the EU Directive 90/314/EEC. In case of any insolvency of the travel operator OÖ Touristik GmbH, payments already made for travel services that will not be provided anymore, as well as necessary expenses for return trips are covered by a bank guarantee of Raiffeisenlandesbank at Linz, Raiffeisenplatz 1, to an overall amount of EUR 445,020.23. In case of insolvency, assistance requests and reimbursement applications are to be submitted to Europäische Reiseversicherungs AG, Kratochwjlestrasse 4, A-1220 Vienna, phone +43/1/317 25 00, fax +43/1/319 93 67. Complete reimbursement applications must be submitted within 8 weeks. The submission must be documented. Otherwise all claims will be dismissed.